Sunday, September 7, 2008


Cats are like goddamn squirrels here in Amman. There may have been squirrels once, but I'm pretty sure the cats ate them all. These aren't your friendly, Homeward Bound Sassy-types. These cats are mangy, tough, frightening little bastards that jump out of dumpsters at you. And they are EVERYWHERE.

Picture this, except on every corner.

For those who don't know, I despise cats. Allergies aside, they suck as pets and for some Freudian evolutionary concept I still can't figure out, act like their owners (i.e. THE PEOPLE THAT KEEP THEM ALIVE AND FED) aren't important.


Dogs love you for your hospitality and protect families, save drowning children, detect CANCER in people, and are generally awesome at all times. Cats get fat and occasionally bring you a "gift" in the form of a dead bird. And they shit inside, and that is just plain rude.

There is no way this isn't Satan.

There are entire books written about famous dogs that save people, dial 911, detect mines and hidden VC during Vietnam, find drugs, and are beneficial to society. And then there's Garfield. I rest my case.

Addendum: Kittens are fine, because they're cute and stupid and aren't really cats yet.

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