Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jordan in the Asia Cup

Sorry this was a little late, I've been busy almost every day for the last few weeks...

Anyway, for those uncaring about international soccer tournaments, the Asia Cup has been going on for the last month. Jordan has had quite the impressive showing, especially after drawing a group with Japan (favored to win it all), Syria, and Saudi Arabia. All solid squads.

Jordan went 2-0-1. Every night Jordan didn't lose, the streets of Amman were packed with cars full of young Jordanians blasting music, honking horns, and waving flags.

J-O-R! D-A-N!

After my little romp with Team USA two years ago, I knew that Jordan playing in the Asia Cup was going be a big deal.

I made the students in my conversational English class rate all the teams in the Asia cup on a scale from 1 to 10, giving reasons why they thought each team deserved their rating. India was voted the worst, Jordan garnered a 5.5/10, and Iraq, Iran, Japan, and South Korea were voted to be the most likely to be the Final Four.

This hard lookin' sonuvabitch was a major factor in Jordan's success.

So, the fact that Jordan came out second in their group and moved to the quarter-finals was a huge deal. So huge, in fact, even after Jordan lost to Uzbekistan 2-1, Jordanians still partied anyway...

And also, demonstrated against unemployment and elections.

I didn't really get it, I thought there would be either utter heartbreak or riots. After some reflection, however, driving around acting like lunatics seemed the appropriate response. Like most things here, without a Jordanian explaining things to me, I can't always figure out the motivation behind the public's reaction to events.

Childrens birthday party....?

Mabrook (Congratulations) to Jordan. Hopefully one day, we'll see them in the World Cup.

What a nice picture.

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