I got real nostalgic the other day, and this is what came out. Feel free to reminisce. Or comment on how emo I am.
Things I won't miss when I leave:
-The call to prayer
-Dirty taxis
-Crazy Palestinians
-Crazy Saudis
-Crazy Arabs in general
-Suicidal traffic
-Sexual harrassment/repression
-Non-hostile staring
-Hostile staring
-Slow-walking herds of hijab girls
-Deceitful taxi drivers
-Dusty cats in the trash
-Water tanks
-200% Import tax
-The wasting of water in a desert country
-The mutant dog that lives downstairs
Things I'm not looking foward to returning to:
-Obamarama. Gag me.
-Daley's Chicago
-U of I (Champaign more than Urbana)
-10% sales tax in Chicago (wtf?)
-Being Jobless
-Being Broke
-Being the "gray bush"
-Asian girls (they are ALWAYS trouble...Teri...)
-Knee surgery...?
-Hangin up the gloves
-Anything related to Disney musicals (be they in high school or anywhere else)/American Idol/dancing like you think you can...? You know what I mean.
-Pop-genre tranquilizers for the minds of the mindless
-Being told to shut up
-Abdulkafi Albirini
-Societal Pressure to be a sheep. Why not a camel?
-Frenemies (the word, not the status)
-Greek Letters
-The Hills
This is starting to turn into a list of things I don't like in general...so here's some upbeat stuff.
Things I'll miss when I leave:
-Fresh bread
-Non-preservative injected meat and produce
-Fresh Hummous
-Amstel as a domestic beer
-Readily available absinthe
-My Jordanian friends
-My American friends
-Subtle, and purely unintentional (I think), hilarious racism
-The desert
-Being so close to 5000 years of history
-Knowing everyone in the neighborhood
-Terrible Arabic music television
-Terrible Egyptian movies
-Being surrounded by Arabic
-English mistranslations on clothing and signs
-Cultural jamming
-The Khalda Kids
-The B Club
-Cocoa Mania
-King Hussein Mosque at night
-Being an Ex-pat
Things I miss at home:
-You. Yes, you!
-Kaukana spreadable cheese
-Bud Light
-Bears. Bulls. Sox. Hawks. Fire. Machine. Shamrox.
-College Football (not the Illini...WESTERN MICHIGAN??!!?! SERIOUSLY)
-South Park
-It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia
-Mexican Food
-Traffic Laws
-Trained Paramedics
-D.P. Dough
-Video Games (I heard GH4 is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-The 59. Always and forever.
-Sales tax under 26%
-Anything lacrosse related
-Fall colors
-Gyros places (especially Patio Beef and Papa Chris Place)
-Watching business majors pee themselves over the economy (except Doug, cause he's the man)
-Economic Efficiency and work ethic on a grand scale. Seriously.
-A working hot shower
-Road trips (sorry about that last one mom...)
Pretty much all the good stuff
1 comment:
i love the road trip comment!! ps i know your poor, but it was my holy grail quest in europe to find a poorly translated english t shirt, and i was about as successful as kind arthur was...damn euros and their perfect english. can you get me one?? in return ill buy you a drink?
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