Necessary information: Jordan has a King, Queen, and Royal Family.
The current king of Jordan is King Abdullah II. His wife is Queen Raina, who was on an episode of Oprah a few years ago talking about women's rights in Islam. Every Jordanian in the country LOVES the royal family. Seriously. There are pictures of them hung everywhere, especially in people's homes, anything government related and in car windows.
Every place of business is required BY LAW to have a picture of the king in their office. This affection for state leaders is obviously not held as highly in America.
Not so in Jordan. There are still pictures EVERYWHERE of the late King Hussein, and he died nine years ago. Jordanians are smitten with the Royal Family, almost as badly as Americans are smitten with which prescribed teen pop star is blowing rails off a toilet seat in which LA club bathroom.
And why wouldn't you rock pictures of the king when I found ones like THIS:
The Royal Family is afforded every luxury. All the land in Jordan belongs to them, and the people that live on this land are their loyal subjects. Think about that. The exact thing Americans ran away from in 1776 is flourishing here. WHOA! Also, they own several palaces, dozens of cars, airplanes, helicopters, and a fleet of motorcycles, some of which are on the Jordanian currency.
The king was leader of the Jordanian Special Forces, and routinely hunts (with guns, FALCONS!!!!, and probably his bare hands), rock climbs, dune buggys, stock car races, and is basically a total badass. Who wouldn't love this guy, he's as tough as Teddy Roosevelt and as cool as Han Solo.
And Queen Raina is a total babe. Way hotter than Sarah Palin. Possibly because of the vast amount of cheap Syrian plastic surgery that is a trend for young Jordanian girls here!
Almost every street in Jordan is named after a member of the royal family, so there may be several thousand.
Blah blah blah I'm bored of this family. Here's some pics of our halloween party:

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Including Cupid (that's a bow on my shoulder).
In the words of Alison: "Cute."

A menorah. In a muslim country. At a highly raucous halloween party. I think the inappropriate vortex opened up outside my apartment at this point.
We told our landlady we had a lot of people coming, to which she said she was ok with. 45 minutes before the party started, she told us she was expecting 8 partygoers. Whoops.

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