Sunday, November 30, 2008


Warning!! Long post ahead...but there are pretty pictures...Read at your own risk!!

I spent nearly a week in "the city of a thousand minarets," which a nickname I agree with, the calls to prayer sounding so close it is if they are being sung/screamed literally within your head most of the time. Although a more accurate nickname would be, "the city of a thousand crappy minaret speakers." You'd think with the billions of dollars America gives Egypt every year, they'd put a Radioshack in somewhere...

So, I arrived in Cairo by way of Royal Jordanian airlines (the only way to fly). I mean it, it is the only way to fly. Not only did I get to pick my exact seat, but I jokingly selected a gluten-free meal for the hour-long flight from Amman to Cairo...AND THEY ACTUALLY SERVED IT.

Delta airlines meal service seems a bit less hospitable...

So, after my $20 ride from the airport, which is apparently the standard rip-off rate in every country (except Israel, where it's $60 from the border to comment), I arrived at my friend's apartment on the island of Zamalek, on the Nile between Cairo proper and Giza.

I need to learn to use better editing software...

It was Eid, and Katie's apartment had the unique benefit of being located above a butcher shop. So I got to see this every morning...

Mmmm...fresh holiday entrails....

Zamalek is home to a lot of international students and ex-pats, and has most of the embassies there as well...

Oh Ethiopia...come on guys...

So it has a distinctly cosmopolitan flava. It also had some of the greatest views of the Nile I was never expecting to see.

Those are rentable apartments...ON THE NILE

It was very green. Here's a mosque. That's all I got.

Being a total Stargate nerd, I demanded that we had to see the pyramids (or alien landing pads, which is what the government doesn't want you to believe). I had been warned that the soliciting of tourists was going to be the worst there, but when an Egyptian man jumped onto the trunk of our taxi trying to get us to ride his camel, it took my friend Katie screaming Imshee!!! (basically telling him to f*ck off) to get him away. The taxi driver loved how badly the wee lass had emasculated him.

This kitten's got claws!

The pyramids do look pretty intense, and pictures don't do it justice. They rise out of the desert and look totally unlike anything I have ever seen...except for the other pyramids

Like this one...check out those fanny packs...

Ancient Egyptian God Ra decided to make an appearance

Always the rebellious rulebreaker...

I also got to run around other parts of Cairo...including:

Khan Al-Khalili

The biggest market/tourist rip off in Cairo. They had some nice hookahs though.

This is the entrance to Khan Al-Khalili. A bomb went off in this spot about a month later, killing one and injuring 17 tourists.


Doesn't look like a third-world country...

Al-Azhar Park

Grant Park eat your heart out. This was all for ONE BAND. And they were BARELY DECENT.

This is probably the best picture I took on my entire trip.

I know it's all because of air pollution, but WE DID THAT. And its beautiful. And it will possibly kill our grandchildren.

To sum up Cairo would be best done in haiku form:

Cairo is way big
Twenty five million people
Too many children

These kids are Palestinian, but an Egyptian lad did lean out of a car with a toy AK-47 and "shot" me. It was pretty intense.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


I got real nostalgic the other day, and this is what came out. Feel free to reminisce. Or comment on how emo I am.

Things I won't miss when I leave:

-The call to prayer
-Dirty taxis
-Crazy Palestinians
-Crazy Saudis
-Crazy Arabs in general
-Suicidal traffic
-Sexual harrassment/repression
-Non-hostile staring
-Hostile staring
-Slow-walking herds of hijab girls
-Deceitful taxi drivers
-Dusty cats in the trash
-Water tanks
-200% Import tax
-The wasting of water in a desert country
-The mutant dog that lives downstairs

Things I'm not looking foward to returning to:

-Obamarama. Gag me.
-Daley's Chicago
-U of I (Champaign more than Urbana)
-10% sales tax in Chicago (wtf?)
-Being Jobless
-Being Broke
-Being the "gray bush"
-Asian girls (they are ALWAYS trouble...Teri...)
-Knee surgery...?
-Hangin up the gloves
-Anything related to Disney musicals (be they in high school or anywhere else)/American Idol/dancing like you think you can...? You know what I mean.
-Pop-genre tranquilizers for the minds of the mindless
-Being told to shut up
-Abdulkafi Albirini
-Societal Pressure to be a sheep. Why not a camel?
-Frenemies (the word, not the status)
-Greek Letters
-The Hills

This is starting to turn into a list of things I don't like in here's some upbeat stuff.

Things I'll miss when I leave:

-Fresh bread
-Non-preservative injected meat and produce
-Fresh Hummous
-Amstel as a domestic beer
-Readily available absinthe
-My Jordanian friends
-My American friends
-Subtle, and purely unintentional (I think), hilarious racism
-The desert
-Being so close to 5000 years of history
-Knowing everyone in the neighborhood
-Terrible Arabic music television
-Terrible Egyptian movies
-Being surrounded by Arabic
-English mistranslations on clothing and signs
-Cultural jamming
-The Khalda Kids
-The B Club
-Cocoa Mania
-King Hussein Mosque at night
-Being an Ex-pat

Things I miss at home:

-You. Yes, you!
-Kaukana spreadable cheese
-Bud Light
-Bears. Bulls. Sox. Hawks. Fire. Machine. Shamrox.
-College Football (not the Illini...WESTERN MICHIGAN??!!?! SERIOUSLY)
-South Park
-It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia
-Mexican Food
-Traffic Laws
-Trained Paramedics
-D.P. Dough
-Video Games (I heard GH4 is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
-The 59. Always and forever.
-Sales tax under 26%
-Anything lacrosse related
-Fall colors
-Gyros places (especially Patio Beef and Papa Chris Place)
-Watching business majors pee themselves over the economy (except Doug, cause he's the man)
-Economic Efficiency and work ethic on a grand scale. Seriously.
-A working hot shower
-Road trips (sorry about that last one mom...)

Pretty much all the good stuff

Saturday, November 8, 2008

King Abdullah II = BALLA

WARNING: This post is kinda nerdy, skip to the pictures if you don't feel like reading (i.e. you played lacrosse with me).

Necessary information: Jordan has a King, Queen, and Royal Family.

The current king of Jordan is King Abdullah II. His wife is Queen Raina, who was on an episode of Oprah a few years ago talking about women's rights in Islam. Every Jordanian in the country LOVES the royal family. Seriously. There are pictures of them hung everywhere, especially in people's homes, anything government related and in car windows.

This one was in a town of 5000 people. And its about the 5000th one I've seen.

Every place of business is required BY LAW to have a picture of the king in their office. This affection for state leaders is obviously not held as highly in America.

Something tells me this isn't an official wanted poster. Where is his height and weight?

Not so in Jordan. There are still pictures EVERYWHERE of the late King Hussein, and he died nine years ago. Jordanians are smitten with the Royal Family, almost as badly as Americans are smitten with which prescribed teen pop star is blowing rails off a toilet seat in which LA club bathroom.

Edgy. And definitely important.

And why wouldn't you rock pictures of the king when I found ones like THIS:

He's only a lieutenant medical officer in this picture (you're welcome Mom and Fox)

The Royal Family is afforded every luxury. All the land in Jordan belongs to them, and the people that live on this land are their loyal subjects. Think about that. The exact thing Americans ran away from in 1776 is flourishing here. WHOA! Also, they own several palaces, dozens of cars, airplanes, helicopters, and a fleet of motorcycles, some of which are on the Jordanian currency.

In Jordan, they have a Mach 99!

Rollin wit .50. Sorry I like this picture alot.

The king was leader of the Jordanian Special Forces, and routinely hunts (with guns, FALCONS!!!!, and probably his bare hands), rock climbs, dune buggys, stock car races, and is basically a total badass. Who wouldn't love this guy, he's as tough as Teddy Roosevelt and as cool as Han Solo.

King Abdullah Solo II- "She's the fastest hunk of junk in the desert!"

And Queen Raina is a total babe. Way hotter than Sarah Palin. Possibly because of the vast amount of cheap Syrian plastic surgery that is a trend for young Jordanian girls here!

BAM! I just went from six to midnight...

Almost every street in Jordan is named after a member of the royal family, so there may be several thousand.


Blah blah blah I'm bored of this family. Here's some pics of our halloween party:

Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. Including Cupid (that's a bow on my shoulder).
In the words of Alison: "Cute."

A menorah. In a muslim country. At a highly raucous halloween party. I think the inappropriate vortex opened up outside my apartment at this point.

We told our landlady we had a lot of people coming, to which she said she was ok with. 45 minutes before the party started, she told us she was expecting 8 partygoers. Whoops.