Friday, July 12, 2013

Keep the Change, Ya Filthy Animal

Hello All,

Well, it's been a year and a half since I posted last.  I am no longer in Amman, (but I left some things there, so technically part of me is there, blah blah blah I'm too lazy to figure out how to move this blog) but I am still running around the world doing new things, so I figured I'd keep Jihad, Schmahad running.

I will also use any excuse to show this sweet .gif I made of a "fight" at Tala Bay.

Quick rundown of what has happened in the last year and a half:

- I have seen how well the Jordanian 1% run the show
- I have an even lower opinion of expats now
- The American student loan establishment is its own worst enemy
- California is beautiful
- Consulting is fun
- I am in Bangalore, India now

I may put some throwback posts in here and there as I think about things from Jordan, but for now, I'll just be posting things about whats going on here in India.  Which is about 1000 times more ridiculous to me than the middle east.

This is what the majority of my commute looks like.

So, I'll leave you with that.  Stay tuned for more snark, sarcasm, and horribly edited photos.